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Carnival Carnaval Carnevale is the World’s Biggest Latin Party

Whether you call it Carnival, Carnaval, or Carnevale, it is the world’s biggest Latin party.

Carnival in the Americas is a true celebration of freedom because it evolved into its current forms after abolition. During the Colonial Period, Carnival was the only time Indigenous Peoples and the African Diaspora where allowed to celebrate their own heritage traditions. But it went wild once people were free from their colonizers. That’s the Carnival we know today.

Traditional Carnival Carnaval Carnevale

Carnival, Carnaval, Carnevale is the world’s biggest Latin party (Natalya Erofeeva/Dreamstime)

Traditional Carnival is a Roman Catholic, Italian winter festival before Ash Wednesday marks the start of Lent, the Catholic spiritual preparation for Easter, the Christian spring festival.

Countries with Dutch or English colonizers tend to celebrate at other times of the year, so you can celebrate carnival all year long.

Carnival is different in every country, and even in different cities. It blends with the local culture. Carnivals may be more European, more African, or more Indigenous. Where Indigenous traditions dominate, there is often some recognition in music, dance, costumes, and traditions of an African Diaspora past that has been largely absorbed, but is not forgotten.

You see this in Bolivia, an Indigenous country whose Carnival dances are mostly derived from the African Diaspora that once worked in the mines.

Carnival Tuesday, Mardi Gras 2024

Traditional Carnival builds to a climax on Carnival Tuesday, Mardi Gras.

Carnival Tuesday in 2024 is Tuesday, February 13, 2024.

Trinidad Carnival is the Mother of Caribbean Carnival

Trinidad Carnival is the “Mother of Caribbean Carnival.” It’s traditions are celebrated around the world ~ including at London’s famed Notting Hill Carnival.

New York Carnival

New York Carnival follows Trinidad Carnival tradition on Labor Day Weekend.

New Orleans Mardi Gras

New Orleans Mardi Gras is famous. Most Americans know Carnival through Mardi Gras.

New Orleans is a city founded on Caribbean culture. The ferry to Havana, Cuba used to run twice a day. In 1810, half the New Orleans population was Haitian Diaspora.

Looking at New Orleans Mardi Gras from a Caribbean perspective, it looks an Americanized version of our Caribbean traditions. We are on the other side of the looking glass.

Fiestas Patronales

Countries have their big Carnival, but most small towns in the Latin world have local carnivals on the feast day of their patron saint. These are really beautiful because they are less commercial, a true expression of the local people. “Fiestas patronales” is the Spanish name for these small own carnivals, but they are throughout the Latin world.

Puerto Rico has wonderful fiestas patronales in small towns around the island ~ all year long.

North American Carnivals

Caribbean Carnivals

South American Carnivals

Experiencing Carnival

We tend to focus on the marches and parades of Carnival Tuesday, but the heart of Carnival is the community gathering to prepare the festival.

Preparations start six months before, and that’s when you should make your travel plans. The best way to experience the festival is to join a mas (French masquerade group), comparsa (Spanish marching group), or samba school (Brazilian marching group).

Preparations begin in earnest on Three Kings Day or Kings Day which is January 6. New Orleans Carnival actually starts on January 6. Events usually start a month before the big day. The last week and weekend build to a climax on Carnival Tuesday, which most Americans know as Mardi Gras (Fat Tuesday).

Carnival Caution

People get a little crazy during Carnival. Foreigners may be targets for petty crime. It’s a time for extra vigilance.

If you get robbed by a clown, the police can’t help you because there may be a thousand clowns. If you are not in tune with local traditions, it’s best to take a tour or go with a local friend.

We think Las Vegas, Nevada copied a Carnival expression for their city slogan. “What happens in Carnival, stays in Carnival.” Be safe.

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