All Souls’ Day on November 2 is a Catholic time to remember deceased family members. Families go to mass and tend family graves. It’s part of Allhallowtide, and Mexican Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos.
All Souls’ Day Traditions
The Roman Catholic tradition of All Souls’ Day started in Cluny, France in the Middle Ages and spread throughout the Christian world.
Saint Odilo, the abbot of Cluny, proposed the day after All Saints Day to honor all the dead. In the Middle Aged Christian way of thinking, Odilo was concerned about those souls who had not made it to heaven yet and were stuck in purgatory.
Day of the Dead ~ Día de Muertos
In Mexico, Día de Muertos (Day of the Dead) is a unique blend of Aztec and Catholic traditions that has become popular worldwide for its colorful celebrations.
Though the Mexican tradition has gone global, many cultures have their own All Souls Day traditions. Highland Maya in Guatemala fly giant kites from cemeteries. Haitians celebrate le Fèt Gede.
Il Giorno dei Morti
In Italy the day is Il Giorno dei Morti. In the Italian way, the day starts with a Requiem or Mass. There are many great Requiems in classical music. In Sicily, children leave their shoes outside doors and windows to be filled with little gifts.