The Annunciation is the biblical story of the Archangel Gabriel’s announcement to the Virgin Mary that she would give birth to the son of God and should name him Jesus.
The Feast of the Annunciation

The Annunciation is celebrated in the Catholic church on March 25. That is nine months before Christmas, the ceremonial birth of Jesus.
The date also approximates the March equinox which falls between March 19th and 21st. On the equinox night and day are the same length.
The Tradition
In the Bible, Luke 1:26-38 provides the main story. The Archangel Gabriel appears to Mary who is promised to Joseph, but not yet married. He tells her she will give birth to a son and to call him Jesus. She asks how that could be since she is a virgin. He answers that the Holy Spirit will come to her.
Matthew 1:18-23 tells Joseph’s side of the story. After discovering that Mary is already pregnant, he decides to divorce her. But an angel appears to Joseph in a dream and tells him that the child was conceived by the Holy Spirit.
The Quran also tells of the Annunciation in Surah 003:045.