Keep track of college application deadlines. Prepare yourself for a better future by applying to college. When jobs are scarce, it’s a good time to get an education.
Finding the Money
Don’t have money for college? There is always money, you just have to find it. There is always help for people who are helping themselves. Go for it. Ask an admissions counselor for help.
Many New York City parades offer scholarships. That’s one of the places you can look for money.
Choosing a College
Try to choose the best colleges and universities you can afford. One of the key benefits of an education is the friends you make in school. There are good people everywhere, but generally the better the school, the better your peer group will be.
If you can afford it, it’s nice to go to school somewhere far from home because you get exposed to many completely new things.
That said, New York City has many great colleges and universities. CUNY – The City University of New York has 25 campuses in all five boroughs.
General College Application Deadlines
Most colleges start accepting applications in August for the next school year. The application deadline for most colleges is January or February of the same year. Admission decisions are generally made in March or April of the same year.
There are early action, early decision and rolling admissions schedules, but August to January/February is the standard application period.
Community colleges may offer shorter application deadlines. Many people do their first two years at a community college before transferring to a university to finish their degree.
College Application Deadlines for Fall 2022
- Admission Opens: August 2021
- Application Deadline: January/February 2022
- Admission Decisions: March/April 2022
- College Begins: September 2022
An Education Helps Your Entire Life
Education really is one of the paths to success in our city and our country. Even if you are lucky enough to be a young star of something, an education will serve you for your entire life.
College is work, but it’s also really fun. You’ll be with many other young people like yourself. Some of the friends you make will be lifelong friendships.
College exposes you to so many new ideas that it will practically make your mind explode (in a good way). It’s really stimulating.
The best jobs now require a Masters degree, but getting an education is one of the best things you can do for yourself and your family.