The new moon is either a moonless night or the very first sliver of a moon.
In astrology, it represents the start of a new cycle. It’s a good time to start things.
March 2022 New Moon
The next new moon is Wednesday, March 2, 2022 at 12:35pm.
The New Moon
The new moon occurs when the moon is between the sun and the earth.
It is hard to see because it rises during the day and is lit only by reflected earth light. But that means you get the best views of the night sky during the new moon.
Some cultures consider the new moon to be the first waxing crescent.
Photographing the Sky under the New Moon
The new moon is a great time to photograph the sky.
To photograph the sky, put the camera on a tripod. Use a remote or timed shutter. Use a high ISO (such as 3200). Use the fastest wide-angle lens you have (lowest f-stop such as f/2.8 or lower). Set the aperture as wide open as you can (lowest f-stop).
Use a long exposure such as 20-30 seconds. The earth is always turning so you have to experiment with the longest exposure length that doesn’t make star trails from the earth’s movement.
You can try focusing on a bright star. You may have to stop down (higher aperture) for sharpness.
Some of the new cameras see better in the dark than the human eye, so you can get some truly stunning photos – even over New York City.
If you are trying to photograph the Milky Way, February through September are the best times of the year. That is when the part of the Milky Way that is easiest to see is in the sky over the northern hemisphere.
New Moons over New York City
Times are when the moon is newest (at its highest point between the sun and the earth). The times may be during the day. Your best photographs are at moons that occur during the night.