The Art Show 2023, by the Art Dealers Association of America (ADAA) brings America’s top galleries to New York City. This 35th edition leads into the November art auctions which are one of the pillars of New York City’s art world.
Though it stands alone, this is one of New York City’s most important art fairs. If you think the Upper East Side is stuffy, get over it and go. The art is great. The galleries are great and the dealers are very informative. The people watching is great too, especially at the opening night Benefit Preview. The Upper East Side turns out in all its finery.
The Benefit Preview benefits the Henry Street Settlement on its 130th Anniversary, a social services agency and home of the Abrons Arts Center in Manhattan’s Lower East Side; that provides social services, arts programs, and health care to families who are starting their lives as New Yorkers. That’s more important than ever now. Going to The Art Show helps some of our newest New Yorker families.
The Art Show 2023
The Art Show 2023 (ADAA) art fair of 56 of America’s top galleries; opens with a Benefit Preview for the Henry Street Settlement at the Park Avenue Armory in the Upper East Side; on Wednesday, November 1, 2023; with great talks and the public show, Thursday-Sunday, November 2-5, 2023. Benefit from $175. General Admission $30. 🇺🇸 🇦🇷 🇨🇴 🇲🇽
An important gallery is Mary-Anne Martin Fine Art which specializes in masterworks of Mexican and Latin American art. Martin created the Latin American department at Sotheby’s, before Latin Art was popular. Remember, The Whitney Museum said the biggest influence on American art, wasn’t the Europeans, it was the Mexican muralists. 🇲🇽
Catharine Clark Gallery is showing “Double Vision: Rethinking Manifest Destiny,” a critique of the false narratives of our country’s creation stories. Manifest Destiny was nothing but a neo-religious con used to exploit, enslave, and exterminate Native Americans. Only by honestly embracing what was done in the name of God and country, can we begin to move on towards something better for all Americans. 🇺🇸
Eric Firestone Gallery pays tribute to historic museum exhibitions of African American art. That’s very relevant because we are in the Harlem Renaissance 3.0. 🇺🇸
Leon Tovar Gallery, a Colombian art gallery that specializes in Latin American art, examines the cross-cultural dialogue of a pair of Argentine artists. 🇨🇴 🇦🇷
For the Henry Street Settlement’s 130th Anniversary, The Art Show features an exhibition by Kate Capshaw, known for her “Unaccompanied” series about unhoused youth, in conversation with Henry Street Settlement CEO David Garza. Try to get your head around being a kid who walked from Venezuela or Central America to the southern border, and made your way to New York City ~ with no money and alone. They didn’t come for a bigger television. They come because there is death behind. Those kids are going to be great New Yorkers, because they are unstoppable.
There are discussions about relevant themes for Asian American artists, Jewish artists, Women artists, and more. The New York art world gets it that great art is created by all peoples, all over the world. The Art Show is part of that grand shift away from our Euro-centric perspective.
For tickets and more information, visit