“The Other Side Story” is Ángel Vázquez’ one-man comedy with music, about the brilliance and reliance of the Puerto Rican Diaspora in New York City.
After playing “Hecho en Puelto Rico” to a sold-out Hostos Center in 2018, Vázquez is back. “The Other Side Story” (not West Side Story) is the story of an island Puerto Rican who finds himself on the streets of El Barrio, East Harlem, where he learns about the struggles and the triumphs of the Puerto Rican Diaspora. This is comedy based on true stories of the Diaspora.
The Other Side Story

“The Other Side Story” by Ángel Vázquez (Resident Artist at the Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College), is a one-man comedy with live music, about moving from Puerto Rico to “El Barrio” and learning first-hand the struggles and triumphs of the Puerto Rican Diaspora in New York. It is in the Repertory Theater at Hostos Center in Mott Haven, The Bronx; on Thursday, November 16, 2023 at 2pm, Free with rsvp. And Sunday, November 19, 2023 at 3pm. $15, $5 students. hostos.cuny.edu 🇵🇷
Creative Team
Researched, written, composed, and performed by actor and comedian Ángel Vázquez, Resident Artist at The Center for Puerto Rican Studies at Hunter College.
Directed by Ernesto Concepción.
Choreography by Marcelino Alcalá
Musical arrangements by Carlos Tato Santiago.
Costume design by Milagros Tita Núñez.
Our Story Deserves to Be Told
But we have to do it ourselves.
Some of the great moments in Puerto Rican history, like “El Grito de Lares,” the cry for independence, where planned in New York. We have been Americans for over 150 years and given our lives for this country, but that hasn’t made it any easier. Even so, we are “Boricua aunque naciera en la luna” (Boricua, even if I was born on the moon.) We have accomplished so much, and opened many doors for Latins, and all people of color, to follow.
One of the characteristics of being Boricua is our ability to come together and laugh at life. This show will make you laugh. It might make you cry a little too, because you are un Boricua orgulloso (a proud Puerto Rican). ¡WEPA! 🇵🇷