Cinco de Mayo Festival 2024 is a festival of Mexican culture in Kupferberg Center at Queens College in Flushing, Queens.
Cinco de Mayo Festival 2024

Viva El Cinco de Mayo Festival 2024 brings Mariachi Real de México with José Adán Pérez, Tlen Huicani from Veracruz, and Ballet Folklórico Mexicano de Nueva York;” to Colden Auditorium at Kupferberg Center in Flushing, Queens; on Saturday, May 4, 2024 at 3pm. $20. 🇲🇽 🇲🇽 🇲🇽
- Mariachi Real de Mexico, featuring José Adán Pérez, plays son jaliscience from Jalisco State. That’s mariachi, or ranchera in charro cowboy suits. @realdemexico 🇲🇽
- Tlen Huicani plays son jarocho from Veracruz, Mexico’s Caribbean gateway city. They are one of Mexico’s most respected son jarocho ensembles. @tlenhuicani 🇲🇽
- Ballet Folkloric Mexicano de Nueva York dances with all the groups in regional style and costume. @bfmny 🇲🇽
Cinco de Mayo Festival 2023
Cinco de Mayo Festival Del Son 2023 is Mexican music and dance festival featuring Son Huasteco, Son Jaliscience and Son Jarocho at Kupferberg Center’s Colden Auditorium at Queens College (CUNY) in Flushing, Queens; on Saturday, May 6, 2023 at 3pm. From $30. 🇲🇽
Regional Mexican is America’s most popular Latin music. Mexico is a big, diverse country with many regional sounds. “Son” is short for “sonido” or sound. The Festival del Son features three different sons:
- Ensamble Huasteco plays Son Huasteco from Northeastern Mexico.
- Mariachi Real de Mexico, featuring José Adán Pérez, plays Son Jaliscience from Jalisco State. That’s mariachi, or ranchera in charro cowboy suits.
- Tlen Huicani plays Son Jarocho from Veracruz, Mexico Caribbean gateway city. They are one of Mexico’s most respected Son Jarocho music ensembles.
- Ballet Folkloric Mexicano de Nueva York dances with all the groups in regional style and costume.
This is sponsored in part by the Mexican Consulate of New York and the Mexican Cultural Institute of New York. We can already hear the music in our head. ¡Viva México!